Twitter has introduced a new way to Tweet to a smaller crowd by adding an option to enable users to share tweets with only a few people rather than tweeting to a whole followers list.
Twitter has been testing this feature since early May 2023 and is now rolling it out to everyone on its Android and iOS apps.
Twitter Circle allows users to tweet to a select group of people. This new option resembles Instagram’s close friend feature, which lets you share your posts with a smaller group.
According to Twitter. “With Twitter Circle, people now have the flexibility to choose who can see and engage with their content on a Tweet-by-Tweet basis. This makes having more intimate conversations and building closer connections with select followers easier.”
Twitter further explained. “Before you post on Twitter, you’ll now see an option to share your Tweet with your circle or your full follower list. Circles can contain up to 150 people, and you can adjust who’s in and out at any time. Don’t worry; no one will be notified of any changes you make to your circle.”
You can add up to 150 people to your circle; tweets sent to your circle will appear with a green badge underneath them. They can only be seen by those you’ve selected to be in your circle and cannot be Retweeted or shared. Additionally, all replies to these Tweets are private, even if your Twitter account is public.
Users can feel more comfortable expressing themselves through personalized tweets with the new Twitter circle option.
According to Social Media Today, the new option could facilitate new community-building options in the app, specifically for brands.
“Imagine exclusive branded Circles for your top fans, or invite-only groups for influencers, to help promote your latest products.” social media today.
Twitter Circles are available to all Twitter users on all platforms starting today.